just finished adapting the open-source project www.gps-sdr.com to use PRIMO. On our Ubuntu Karmic 32bit laptop runs nicely but still uses a lot of resources (especially the GUI). The effect is nevertheless outstanding!
Figure 1: The gps-sdr GUI running with PRIMO (PVT window).
Figure 1: The gps-sdr GUI running with PRIMO (alm. and eph. window).
I really have to congratulate with Gregory Heckler and his colleagues for the fantastic job they have done so far. Every PRIMO user can now also enjoy their open-source receiver.
Thank you guys,
P.S. On their project website you should be able to find the archive with a preliminary snapshot of the code. Compile and run the GUI with ./gps-gse and the receiver with sudo ./gps-sdr -primo. I had no time to test it with the USRP 'cause we only have tweaked ones in the lab.. just be aware I tuned the scaling in acquisition and correlators.