Thursday, May 13, 2010

Linking PRIMO with gps-sdr


just finished adapting the open-source project to use PRIMO. On our Ubuntu Karmic 32bit laptop runs nicely but still uses a lot of resources (especially the GUI). The effect is nevertheless outstanding!

Figure 1: The gps-sdr GUI running with PRIMO (PVT window).

Figure 1: The gps-sdr GUI running with PRIMO (alm. and eph. window).

I really have to congratulate with Gregory Heckler and his colleagues for the fantastic job they have done so far. Every PRIMO user can now also enjoy their open-source receiver.

Thank you guys,

P.S. On their project website you should be able to find the archive with a preliminary snapshot of the code. Compile and run the GUI with ./gps-gse and the receiver with sudo ./gps-sdr -primo. I had no time to test it with the USRP 'cause we only have tweaked ones in the lab.. just be aware I tuned the scaling in acquisition and correlators.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Galileo E5AltBOC tracking in slow motion

Hello everyone,

not grabbed with our "TUNE" boards (the plot would not be as detailed at 61.44Msps) but with our next one I did not write about yet (samples at about 440Msps), here is a basic E5AltBOC pilot signal tracking:

Figure 1: Galileo PRN02 E5AltBOC tracking. Spirent GSS8000 simulator, static scenario, GPS L1, L2, L5, Galileo E1, E5a/b, E6 all in view.

Figure 1: GIOVE-B E5AltBOC tracking. Clear sky conditions, Novatel GPS704-X antenna, static scenario in Nottingham, May the 6th 2010, 00:05 GMT.

These animations are obtained using octave and ffmpeg... at 40x slower motion :)

More to come soon,